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Archive for June, 2012


The Olympic Flame passed within metres of Torse offices in Nottingham’s Lace Market yesterday evening around 6.40pm. Some members of Torse staff took the opportunity to watch from the third story whilst others stood at ground level and watched the flame literally pass the front door.  Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean were due to appear with the flame in the city centre and were whisked along in a police vehicle along with the coaches and floats associated with the torch relay. High Pavement was the final stretch of the route to Market Square in Nottingham, where the torch relay would conclude for the day.


Category : Torse | Blog

Longer Term Energy ContractsHow can Torse protect businesses from predicted energy price rises over the next few years?

The economic recession perhaps does have something of a ‘silver lining’ for businesses at the moment. Supply and demand returns to playing a larger part in the price of Oil and Gas; fundamental influencers of the price of Power and Gas in the UK. Maybe something of an oversimplification, however, despite the best efforts of OPEC to maintain artificially high $ per barrel and a reduction in the volatility as the speculators struggle to manipulate the markets their way; we are experiencing a relatively low plateau in Energy prices. Whilst is doesn’t quite hark back to the days of early regulation, with huge savings and fixed prices for up to 5 years [hard to believe!], what we are beginning to see is a fragmented return of longer term business contracts, initially for gas, but also longer-term Electricity contracts. continue

Category : Electricity Prices | Energy Companies | Energy Prices | Gas Prices | Blog