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Sunlight NPowerWith 2011 proving to be a particularly turbulent year for worldwide energy prices, heads are now turning to what to expect in 2012.

With civil unrest in the Middle East unlikely to ease, mixed with increased export capabilities, wholesale prices are expected to fluctuate heavily. European leaders look likely to impose an oil embargo on Iran, with Tehran warning of rising tensions and likely retaliation.


Category : Electricity Prices | Energy Companies | Energy Prices | Energy Production | Gas Prices | Going Green | Legislation | Oil Prices | Blog

Solar Panels and SunlightThe Deptartment of Energy and Climate Change subsidies for Renewable Energy have been very successful, the majority of the Feed-In tariff support going to Solar Energy Schemes, almost too successful perhaps.

Category : Administration | Alternatives | Efficiency | Electricity Prices | Energy Production | Going Green | Legislation | Blog

Top Ten Tips 1

The following Top Tips Guide provides recommendations to significantly reduce energy consumption in your organisation. By reducing your dependence on energy, you can cut costs, improve reputation, and stay one step ahead of environmental compliance.


Category : Carbon Emissions | Efficiency | Going Green | Blog

Lost and Confused Signpost

At present the Environment Agency is slowly but surely trying to understand exactly how many people should have registered for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, whether it be as full participants or simple information disclosures. With 3,100 confirmed full participants against a pre-estimated 5,000, at the moment no one’s quite sure of the total numbers.

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Category : Carbon Emissions | Going Green | Legislation | Uncategorized | Blog