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Energy Prices


Regional Electricity Price VariationIt would be a fair assumption that the majority of commercial end users of electricity think that the cost of electricity to be pretty much the same throughout the UK, whether they are based in Aberdeen, Kings Lynn or Weston Super-Mare. The reality is somewhat different with variation around the country based on a number of factors. Thus many clients express some consternation about similar consuming sites within a group having, sometimes very different pricing. Electricity prices can differ around the nation and can vary significantly from region to region. To name a few these factors contributing to this: continue

Category : Electricity Prices | Energy Companies | Energy Prices | Blog

Torse Briefing Autumn 2013Torse Ltd are pleased to announce the launch of the Autumn Briefing – a guide to whats happening in the business energy market along with useful links, interviews and the latest renewal rates which you can also see on our homepage. In the Autumn 2013 briefing we look at whether all the hype about power cuts and energy shortages really should concern us, we look at the froth surrounding the controversial ‘fracking’ that has been causing a stir in the news and also provide a few updates on Green Deal, biomass and a scheme to create effective mini-EMS for business by Nottingham Energy Partnership.

Our briefing is designed to keep you in the loop and we would like to hear your comments on our current and previous briefings as well as possible item for future items – please use our contact page to provide us with feedback.

Download the Autumn Briefing 2013

Category : Electricity Prices | Energy Prices | Gas Prices | Torse | Blog

Pick Lock Big Six ImageMany would agree that the monopoly of the Big Six on the industry is in serious need of re-assessment and Ofgem believe that greater market liquidity is the solution – this will allow more suppliers and generators to enter the market resulting in fiercer competition. As a result of pressure to increase market-liquidity from smaller market players, Ofgem released its report on ‘Wholesale power market liquidity: final proposals for a ‘Secure and Promote’ licence condition – Draft Impact Assessment’ 12th June 2013. The proposal made the following key recommendations:

  • Facilitating entry and competition by smaller suppliers using the Supplier Market Access (SMA) rules
  • A change to license conditions forcing major power generators to release intended trading prices 2 years prior to delivery allowing small competitors to hedge in the forward wholesale market
  • Significant fines to major firms who do not sell and negotiate fairly at all times – enforced deadline to ensure they acknowledge and respond to requests by smaller suppliers to buy energy and they will no longer be able to refuse those deemed reasonable
  • An investment of £4m total set up cost and annual ongoing cost of £14m. continue
Category : Electricity Prices | Energy Companies | Energy Prices | Gas Prices | Blog

Phone and FingerAlways bear in mind that if it’s too good to be true, there’s a catch!

Unfortunately, as of late unscrupulous call-centre agencies have been targeting businesses with misleading information regarding CCL exemption and a reduction to 5% VAT. However in the majority of cases this is just a ruse in order for businesses to give up confidential contract information, which in turn is sold on to any number of other sales type agencies as a beware.

These are clearly cynical sales agencies abusing businesses trust for their own financial ends.

Category : Energy Companies | Energy Prices | Blog