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Lost and Confused Signpost

At present the Environment Agency is slowly but surely trying to understand exactly how many people should have registered for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, whether it be as full participants or simple information disclosures. With 3,100 confirmed full participants against a pre-estimated 5,000, at the moment no one’s quite sure of the total numbers.

Also, a recent audit from KPMG shows that 50% of full participants for the scheme have provided data that falls outside the 5% allowed error margin, which could result in hefty fines being incurred.

Well… so much for the ‘initiative’ being revenue neutral, seems like it could cost some organisations some serious money.

Following this, it now appears DECC and the Environment Agency have quietly agreed not to levy fines for Phase 1 – instead choosing to concentrate on exactly what Phase 2 will look like and exactly who it will include. With an estimated 15%-40% having not registered, this will be hugely welcomed break to these organisations.

There seems to be an air of confusion regarding everything CRC Energy Efficiency related at the moment. Unfortunately this is isn’t going to get any simpler until the Environment Agency themselves come out and confirm the policies and procedures – that is once they’ve made up their own mind of course.

On a slightly more positive note, despite all the confusion a number of Torse’s full participating clients are starting to see some real improvements in terms of energy efficiency and overall energy expenditure. The close relationship between Torse and its clients has allowed for significant monitoring, consultation and the practical implementation of energy efficient ideas and technologies.

More information and case studies will be released when available.

Category : Carbon Emissions / Going Green / Legislation / Uncategorized