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we support solar graphicWhilst there seems to be an almost hysterical hype surrounding supposed alternative or green energy resources, in 2010 the UK government will be introducing a Feed-In Tariff to “help promote solar power and reduce carbon dioxide emissions” which on the face of it seems to provide genuine incentive for UK businesses to invest in solar energy with both financial and environmental benefits.

A Feed-in Tariff (FIT) provides a long-term financial incentive for people to invest in renewable energy. Under a FIT system electricity companies are obligated by governments to buy renewable electricity at above market rates.

The Feed-in Tariff will help reduce global warming, boost UK clean-tech jobs and reward people for installing solar power.

It is important the Feed-in Tariff is set at the correct rate. If it’s too low the potential for a massive increase in the UKs solar energy could be lost, and we could be left behind the rest of Europe.
We Support Solar website

Find out more about this by visiting the We Support Solar website and you can show your support for solar energy and the potential uses for business and domestic buildings by registering your interest in this scheme.

Category : Alternatives / Energy Production / Legislation

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